I do not want to eat cloned animals!

  • van: Lynn Greene
  • ontvanger: Andrew von Eschenbach, Commissioner, US Food and Drug Administration
We the undersigned, believe that cloning animals for food is dangerous and wrong. We disagree with the recent FDA decision that states "meat and milk from clones ... [is] as safe to eat as food from conventionally bred animals."

The FDA has said that food products from cloned animals will likely contain no special labeling - making it likely that we all will consume cloned animal products without realizing it. This is unfair, unjust, and simply wrong.

Cloning of animals is dangerous for numerous reasons including:
- studies have found unexpected results from cloning animals (the animals often die or have abnormalities... "cloning" is not exact)
- cloned livestock will be prone to epidemics due to their genetic similarities
- too little research has been performed to know the full ramifications

Cloning is unethical
- animals impregnated with cloned eggs have been shown to suffer
- cloning is unnatural, counter to most religious beliefs
- cloning results in the suffering and deaths of numerous animals
- putting cloned milk and meat into the food supply is experimenting with public welfare

Please sign this petition to keep cloned animals out of our food!
Dear Dr. Von Eschenbach,  Comissioner of the FDA

We the undersigned, believe that cloning animals for food is dangerous and morally wrong. We urge the FDA to change its position that currently states "meat and milk from clones of adult cattle, pigs and goats, and their offspring, are as safe to eat as food from conventionally bred animals."

The FDA has said that food products from cloned animals will likely contain no special labeling - making it likely that we all will consume cloned animal products without realizing it. This is unfair, unjust, and simply wrong.

Cloning of animals is dangerous for numerous reasons including:
- studies have found unexpected results from cloning animals (the animals often die or have abnormalities... "cloning" is not exact)
- cloned livestock will be prone to epidemics due to their genetic similarities
- too little research has been performed to know the full ramifications

Cloning is unethical
- animals impregnated with cloned eggs have been shown to suffer
- cloning is unnatural, counter to most religious beliefs
- cloning results in the suffering and deaths of numerous animals
- putting cloned milk and meat into the food supply is experimenting with public welfare
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