This Law Would Truly Prevent Deforestation AND Respect Human Rights!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: California General Assembly and Governor Gavin Newsom
Amazing news! California introduced a bill that could help prevent deforestation. AB 572, The California Deforestation-Free Procurement Act, would stipulate that any state contracts would have to commit to A No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) policy. This would go a long way in preventing the destruction of our precious environment.

Will you sign the petition to show your support for this important piece of legislation?

An NDPE approach essentially will "ensure no deforestation of primary forests, areas of High Conservation Value (HCV), High Carbon Stock forest areas, or peatlands." But not only would the bill help the environment, it would also ensure a measure of human rights respect, especially to indigenous peoples. 

The idea is to reward companies for doing ethical and environmentally friendly business by giving them exclusive access to contracts with the huge economy of California. This is a fabulous idea and would absolutely set the bar for how the rest of the country and world should require companies to behave. We need to support this kind of thinking if we want any chance at saving our planet.

Let's show California legislators that we support this incredible bill and want them to pass it as soon as possible!
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