Release Annette Auguste: Prisoner of Conscience in Petion-Ville Penitentiary, Haiti

We demand the immediate and uncondtional release of Annette Auguste, prisoner of conscience, from the Petion-Ville Penitentiary in Haiti.
Whereas, Annette Auguste, otherwise known by her performing name So Ann, was arrested on May 10, 2004 by U.S. Marines following a violent assault of her home which included the use of grenades and plastics explosives;

Whereas, Auguste was arrested without a proper warrant in violation of the Haitian constitution and has been held in a Haitian jail without formal charges since May 10, 2004;

Whereas, Auguste has declared herself innocent and a Prisoner of Political Conscience (POC) according to the definition espoused by Amnesty International;

Whereas, Auguste has stated that Haitian authorities cannot release her without approval of the Bush administration and the U.S. State Department;

We, the undersigned, demand the U.S. government and the Haitian government provide for the immediate and unconditional release of Annette Auguste.
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