Take Action to Get 55 Tons of Trash out of Chesapeake Bay

55 tons. That's 110,000 pounds - and that's a whole lot of trash!

Without the ongoing effort of a small army of volunteers, none of us would be able to enjoy the Chesapeake we know and love. That's because, every year, visitors to the Bay leave behind thousands of pounds of trash.

We need your voice, and we need your support, to help clean up Chesapeake Bay. Without public support, the hard work that keeps Chesapeake Bay thriving would not be possible. Every year, over 25,000 volunteers engage in restoration efforts, planting over 200,000 plants.

Summer is just around the corner, so it's time to ramp up our efforts to combat littering and help in the clean-up. And we need you to join us.

Take action today. Sign your name and let everyone know that you support a trash-free Chesapeake Bay!
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