Urge Bush to Support Stem-Cell Research

Stem-cell research may hold the cure for diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, and diabetes. Yet President Bush has refused to allow this promising science to move ahead. Why? Because Bush has shown that he's incapable of setting aside his anti-choice politics for the good of our country. Apparently, scientific promise, the chance to treat thousands of ailing Americans, and even the wishes of former first lady Nancy Reagan are not enough to convince Bush to change his mind and do the right thing.

Here's what's happening: In August 2001, President Bush banned federal funding for research on all new embryonic stem-cell lines. Scientists report that very few of the existing stem-cell lines are useful for research or even available to scientists. As a result, Bush's policy has shackled development of new treatments for diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, and diabetes. After the recent death of former President Ronald Reagan, 58 senators - representing both political parties and all points along the ideological spectrum – asked President Bush to rethink his policy and expand federal funding for stem-cell research. But President Bush still stubbornly refuses to change his policy.

Please sign this petition to urge President Bush to listen to his Republican colleagues, put science ahead of out-of-the-mainstream politics, and allow full federal funding for stem-cell research.

Nancy Reagan, at former President Reagan's funeral.
White House photo.
Dear President Bush,

As a concerned American, I urge you to reverse your policy limiting the number of stem-cell lines available for scientific research and instead allow this promising science to move ahead.

[Your comments for the President]

Increasing funding for stem-cell research would be beneficial for our country, and could lead to effective treatment for diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, and diabetes. Scientists currently working on this research have indicated that very few of the existing stem-cell lines are useful or available. And anti-choice politics shouldn't be dictating our nation's research priorities.

Please honor the wishes of former first lady Nancy Reagan and expand the current federal policy limiting embryonic stem-cell research. Give hope to the thousands of Americans suffering from disease.


[Your name]
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