Unite to End Hunger in Chicago

It's time to come together as a community to address the crisis of food insecurity among our neighbors. Rising living costs and reduced benefits have left 1 in 5 Chicago area households at risk of hunger, unsure if they will have enough food to get by. This is unacceptable in a city known for its resilience, ingenuity, and big ambitions.

Chicago has overcome monumental challenges before—from reversing a river to rebuilding from the great fire. Together, we can rise to meet this challenge, too. By supporting the Greater Chicago Food Depository's mission, we can ensure that no neighbor goes hungry.

Every action – and donation – counts and will make a difference. Let's show what Chicagoans can achieve when we work together to end hunger and build a stronger, more compassionate community.

Join us in taking action today. Sign this petition to commit to supporting the Greater Chicago Food Depository, whether by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word. Together, we can turn bold ambition into real change.
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