The Future of Arizona's Rivers Depends on You

Across Arizona, our water supplies-rivers, lakes, and groundwater-and the bird habitats they support are at risk from climate change and overuse. Maintaining the health of our waterways is crucial to our way of life in the arid West. The Colorado River and its tributaries support more than 400 species of birds, hundreds of species of fish and wildlife, provides water to roughly 40 million people, and irrigates nearly six million acres of farms and ranches.

To sustain flowing rivers and springs, prevent people's wells from drying up, conserve habitat for wildlife, and ensure the state of Arizona has a reliable water supply for all, a new era of water management and leadership is required. And we need your help to advocate for water management decisions that will improve Arizona's water outlook.

Join Audubon's Western Rivers Action Network to preserve our rivers, lakes, and groundwater for the birds and people that depend on them.
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