Smog Leading to Loss of Smell and Premature Death in Mexico City

  • van: Care2
  • ontvanger: Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources in Mexico
A recent research study of Mexico City inhabitants found that their sense of smell is so badly damaged from the city's notorious smog that they cannot detect the same scents as residents outside of the city. Loss of smell is just one of the problems pollution brings. Residents also experience lung infections, asthma, heart attacks and cancers, and tens of thousands of people die prematurely because of the toxic smog. And the environmental impacts are equally damaging!

Researchers estimate a 10 percent drop in toxic air particles in Mexico City would stop 10,000 cases of chronic bronchitis and prevent 3,000 deaths each year. Urge Mexico's Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources to take action before Mexico City residents' health is further damaged. !Junto, podemos diferenciar!
Dear Secretary Elvira Quesada,

I recently learned of the results of Mexico's National Autonomous University (UNAM) study on Mexico City residents' sense of smell. I am disturbed that the findings suggest smog is killing people's ability to detect the scents of items such as coffee, orange juice and rotting food. The pollution in Mexico City must be stopped.

As you know, Mexico City exceeds the World Health Organization's ozone level standards 300 days each year. These standards are in place to protect people from the toxic particles in the pollution that blankets Mexico City. It is critical that your government takes a stand on reducing pollution for the health of your people.

Researchers estimate a 10 percent drop in toxic air particles in Mexico City would stop 10,000 cases of chronic bronchitis and prevent 3,000 deaths each year. Please make policies that would reduce toxic air particles a central facet of your plan for the future.

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Thank you for your attention to the health of Mexico City residents and the surrounding environment.
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