Pledge to help end the killing of pets in shelters

Every day in this country, more than 9,000 dogs and cats — about six per minute — are killed in animal shelters, simply because they don't have safe places to call home. Each one of these pets is an individual. Each one is a valued life worth saving. That number should be zero — and it can be.
There is so much you can do to help save homeless pets — like supporting spay/neuter programs, adopting your next furry family member from a shelter or rescue group, and just spreading the word about the many pets in shelters waiting for that second chance. And right now, you can help by pledging to end the killing of dogs and cats in shelters.
For more than 30 years, Best Friends Animal Society has been working to save the lives of homeless pets and running the largest no-kill animal sanctuary in the country. And in that time, with crucial support from caring individuals like you, the number of animals killed each year has decreased from 17 million to around 4 million. But working together, we can bring that number to zero.
Pledge to end the killing of dogs and cats in shelters. Together, we can Save Them All®.
Update #17 jaar geleden
The number of pets killed in shelters every year is down to about two million, thanks to people like you. But that still means that every day, nearly 5,500 dogs and cats are killed in America's shelters. Not because they're ill or injured, but because they're homeless. But, together, we can save them. Best Friends has set a new goal to work with shelters, other organizations, and people like you to end the killing nationwide by 2025. Take the pledge and join us:
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