Dogs and horses that are no longer fit for duty are Euthanized in the Indian Army!!!

  • van: Lehar Kewalramani
  • ontvanger: Major General ( Retd.) Dr.Kharb , also the chairman of Animal welfare Board of India.

These living beings serve the officials, serve the country, in turn serve why can't we take an initiative for them to have the life that they deserve and not just get Euthanized if they aren't fit for their duty anymore!!!

Respected Major says that they can't shift these beings to the NGOs or the rehabs because they are familiar with the Base locations and it will not be good if they end up in civilian hands...and also the NGOs would not be able to maintain these dogs with the facilities that the Indian Army provides ....then...

Why can't they have one in their Base locations???

This petition is for the respected Major General Kharb ( Retd.). There are already 2000 plus supporters for this petition who really think that the dogs as well as the horses or let us call them SOLDIER DOGS and SOLDIER HORSES should not be Euthanized once they are diagnosed as unfit for their respective duties . Rather , they should be rehabilitated in the NGOs at the Base location itself. These living beings serve the officials,  serve the country,  in turn serve why can't we take an initiative for them to have the life that they deserve and not just get Euthanized if they are not fit for the duty anymore! !!

Thank you! !

Update #29 jaar geleden
Key points...
published papers for the kind perusal:-
a) Military Working Dogs Find Home after Retirement.
b) Indian Police dogs get Pension.
c) Police dogs to get full pensions for Medical Bills after retirement in Nottinghamshire – England.
d) Police dogs to retire on their own gold – plated Public Pension.
Update #19 jaar geleden
Good news for us!!! The General has talked to the defence minister of India about the issue.Key points..
“Rehabilitation” has been added for animals used for research and experimentation instead of euthanizing them after the experiments.1. free adoption by individuals / NGOs 2. “Retired Army Animals Rehabilitation Centre”. Only those cast animals which are found suffering from painful incurable conditions should be considered for Euthanasia.
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