End the Seal Hunt by Using Your Buying Power!
Last year, the hunt left more than 350,000 seals dead -- almost all of them were babies as young as 12 days of age. One of our most effective weapons against the hunt is a boycott of Canadian seafood.
Why? Seal hunting is an off-season activity for Canada's east coast commercial fishermen. Only a small fraction of their incomes come from selling seal skins to the fur industry. [1] The majority of their income is made through seafood products such as snow crab, cod, scallops and shrimp.
This financial connection between the commercial fishing industry and the seal hunt means that people all over the world have the power to end the hunt by choosing not to buy seafood products from Canada.
This year, we are excited to report that the boycott is working! Since the boycott started, the Canadian fishing industry has suffered a $350 million (Canadian) decline in the value of snow crab exports to the United States.
Put the pressure on Canada's fishing industry by joining the more than 440,000 people who have pledged not to buy Canadian seafood products until this cruel hunt ends for good.
[1] Only a reported $17.5 million (Canadian) annually, compared to the nearly $3 billion taken in by the Canadian fishing industry from seafood exports to the United States.
I pledge not to buy Canadian seafood products such as snow crab, cod, scallops, and shrimp until Canada ends its commercial seal hunt for good.
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