Oppose War Against Iraq!

We Need Allies NOT More Enemies!

Right now, President Bush is pressing for a war against Iraq WITHOUT SUPPORT from diplomats, the U.S. Congress, or the American people. Even Republican leaders like Brent Scowcroft, the former National Security Advisor, believes war against Iraq would only make the War on Terrorism fail.

Attacking Iraq will not reduce the threat of terrorist attacks on the United States -- if American military forces attack Iraq, this will increase the likelihood of another terrorist attack on the United States. There is already considerable resentment in the Arab world over U.S. bases in Saudi Arabia, a long history of US military actions against Arab states. If we attack Iraq, this will only increase Arab resentment of the US thus making it more likely that some of them will get angry enough to attack us in return.

Why War Now?
Former President George H. Bush saw his popularity ratings increase when he started the Gulf War against Iraq. It distracted people from his Iran/Contragate scandal and was nearly enough to get him re-elected. Former President Bill Clinton saw his popularity ratings increase when he started the war against Yugoslavia. It distracted people from his Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones sex scandals. Now President George W. Bush's popularity is dropping amidst corporate scandal -- war against Iraq would help improve his popularity ratings and make people forget about everything else.

NO WAR NOW! There is no real evidence... not beyond a reasonable doubt... that we should take action against the Iraqis. We have enough war on our plate at the moment with Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine, India and Pakistan! Let's not add another war to the list... lets not make more people hate the U.S.! We need allies, not enemies!

Tell our Congress Leaders to Just say no to a war against Iraq.

House Majority Leader Dick Armey
House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt
Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle
Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott

Dear sirs:

I write to urge you to vote against military action in Iraq!
Attacking Iraq will not reduce the threat of terrorist attacks on the United States. In fact, if American military forces attack Iraq, this will increase the likelihood of another terrorist attack on the United States. There is already considerable resentment in the Arab world over U.S. bases in Saudi Arabia, a long history of US military actions against Arab states. If we attack Iraq, this will only increase Arab resentment of the US thus making it more likely that some of them will get angry enough to attack us in return.

There is no real evidence... not beyond a reasonable doubt... that we should take action against the Iraqis. We have enough war on our plate at the moment with Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine, India and Pakistan! Let's not add another war to the list... lets not make more people hate the U.S.! We need allies, not enemies!

Just say no to a war against Iraq.

The undersigned!
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