Save Bees! Keep Britain Neonicotinoid Free

Bees are necessary to ensure survival on our planet as they pollinate the plants that we eat, and that other animals eat. Some pesticides have been shown to harm bees and reduce their numbers. The EU has laws controlling which pesticides can be used and in what quantities in order to protect bees. If Britain leaves the EU our farmers will no longer be forced to comply with those EU limitations. We urgently need our own laws to protect bees in the UK.

Neonicotinoid is an insecticide used in farming and agriculture. It is currently registered in 120 countries, however it has strong links to bee decline. 

The British government were initially opposed to the law to control how much and which pesticides are used when the EU first introduced it in 2013. With the recent referendum there are concerns that this law will no longer apply to UK farmers and thus lead to a decline in the bee population in the UK if Neonicotinoids are used.

Please sign my petition to the Government to demand that the current Neonicotinoid laws in place as part of EU law are signed into Britain's own laws too. If enough people sign this petition we can show Defra that British bees need legal protection whether we're in or out of the EU!

Update #18 jaar geleden
We've now sent our petition to our MP Neil Carmichael. He replied saying he would forward it to the relevant department and that it was a great cause. We will let you know when we get a reply from DEFRA.
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