Support PUPS: Strengthen the Animal Welfare Act

Right now, there is a loophole in animal welfare legislation that allows puppy mills to go without inspection and licensure if they sell puppies online. The PUPS Act will close this loophole and make sure all large-scale breeders give puppies and dogs daily exercise.

The PUPS Act was introduced in Congress because a recent audit uncovered severely inadequate enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act. This bill is a chance to make sure large-scale commercial breeders abide by the Animal Welfare Act.

This is a big chance to improve the lives of thousands of dogs. Take action and urge your members of Congress to co-sponsor the PUPS Act.

Dear [Decision Maker],

As your constituent and a supporter of the American Humane Association, I urge you to co-sponsor the Puppy Uniform Protection and Safety (PUPS) Act (S 3424/HR 5434).

The PUPS Act was introduced by Sen. Richard J. Durbin and Congressman Sam Farr in response to the release of an audit report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Office of Inspector General that found severely inadequate agency enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act's inspection and licensure requirements.

[Your comment will be inserted here.]

The PUPS Act will ensure the effectiveness of AWA's authority by:

-- Requiring inspections and licensure for large-scale breeders that sell puppies over the internet; and

-- Requiring breeders to exercise dogs daily and make sure they have space to move.

Please co-sponsor S 3424/HR 5434 today.
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