Screen Actors Guild: DUMP American Humane!

    We demand that SAG fire the American Humane Association!
     American Humane, authorized by the Screen Actors Guild to protect animals in film and television productions,signed off on a cruel wild horse race scene in the filming of Fox Films' Flicka in which a horse was bruatally killed.  They justified their approval of the scene by stating that it wasn't abuse if it wasn't illegal!

     When American Humane learned that the Los Angeles Daily News was set to break the story that this was the second horse to die at the hands of Fox in the remake of My Friend Flicka, American Humane actually sent out a press release in the middle of the night to beat the story to the wire services, absolving Fox of any wrongdoing!

     The animals involved in film, the public, and the members of the Screen Actors Guild deserve better than to have American Humane acting as a public relations arm of the studios!

     American Humane has become a bloated, contented bureaucracy, more interested in preserving its funding from SAG than in protecting the animals it is supposed to be serving!

     We respectfully demand that SAG replace American Humane with an animal protection organization that will carry out SAG's mission to assure no animals are harmed in film and television productions.
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