Gray Wolves Lose Protection as an Endangered Species!

  • van: Care2
  • ontvanger: Barack Obama, President
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar upheld a decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to deny the gray wolf protection under the Endangered Species Act. This decision opens thousands of wolves up to a brutal hunt in eight states the wolves call home.

The Bush Administration fast-tracked the de-listing proposal during its final days in power. Once all but wiped out in the lower 48 by extermination campaigns, America's wolves are still struggling to survive in the wild.

Remind President Obama that we have an obligation to protect and foster the delicate balance of wildlife at risk. Gray wolves should be re-listed under the Endangered Species Act!
Dear President Obama,

I am writing in opposition to your administration's decision to uphold a decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to deny the gray wolf protection under the Endangered Species Act.

The wolves of the Northern Rocky Mountains have made a great comeback, yet this could all change the gray wolves are stripped of its protection under the Endangered Species Act.

This decision means wolf management will be turned over to states such as Idaho and Wyoming, which have elected to remove wolves by whatever means necessary.

[Personal comments here]

I fear that Idaho, Montana and Wyoming still do not have wolf management plans that will allow wolf populations to grow. Instead, their aggressive management plans that could reduce wolf populations below current levels, jeopardizing the long-term genetic viability of the wolves and disrupting the natural ecosystem, which requires the presence of large carnivores to remain healthy.

Please reconsider this decision and reinstate protections for the gray wolf under the ESA.
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