Sign to Stop Species from Fading Away

Habitat loss, disease, and encroaching human development are taking a severe toll on our at-risk species.

For 50 years the Endangered Species Act has played a pivotal role in saving iconic species like the bald eagle and hundreds more animals from going extinct. However, more than one-third of native plant and animal species in the U.S. are at heightened risk of extinction. Thousands of species are fading away—from rare native orchids to monarch butterflies, bighorn sheep and humpback whales—the Endangered Species Act alone can't save and recover all of our nation's incredible fish and wildlife.

The historic Recovering America's Wildlife Act builds upon the legacy of the Endangered Species Act and provides the additional measures we need today to save all plant and animal species in trouble.

Sign the petition we're delivering to leaders in Congress, urging them to prioritize passage of the Recovering America's Wildlife Act.
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