End The Killing In Our Nation's Animal Shelters By 2025!

Imagine a future where every pet is safe – where they are never killed in shelters, simply because they don't have safe places to call home. That future is closer than you think.
Every day, nearly 2,000 dogs and cats are killed in America's shelters. Not because they're ill or injured, but because they're homeless. But, together, we can save them. Best Friends Animal Society has set a bold new goal to work collaboratively with shelters, other organizations, and people like you to end the killing nationwide by 2025 – and you can help. Make the pledge to save our best friends and end the killing in America's shelters by 2025.
Best Friends has always believed that all animals deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. And, thanks to people like you and the compassion you show homeless pets every day, that outlook is spreading like wildfire.
The killing of our best friends is not a "necessary evil," and as a society, it's time we put it to an end once and for all. Please make the pledge today to help end the killing of our beloved best friends by 2025.
Together, we will Save Them All.
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