Prescriptions are too expensive. Demand transparency from drug companies.

Coloradans deserve to know why the costs of their medications are increasing so rapidly and drastically.

When prescription drug prices skyrocket families are forced to make terrible decisions. Many forgo paying their rent or buying groceries. Some even stop taking their medication, which can be deadly.

60 percent of Americans need prescription drugs to survive. It's outrageous that pharmaceutical companies can jack up the prices with no warning and no explanation.

The unforeseen costs that come from unexpected price hikes are detrimental not only to the health of Coloradans like us, but also to our financial stability.

We need legislation that will give us more transparency into our drug prices and require pharmaceutical companies have to explain why they make big hikes in the prices of their drugs.

Transparency helps us have a better understanding over our health care and helps us answer our neighbors' call for clearer, fairer drug pricing – and make sure that companies are accountable to the patients who rely on their drugs.

Tell Colorado's elected officials to pass legislation to bring accountability and affordability to the pharmaceutical industry.
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