Baby Boomers Set to Lose Medicare Services! Sign the Letter to Congress

With over 3.2 million baby boomers becoming eligible for Medicare by 2010, doctor payment cuts will create a medical care crisis for America’s seniors! Congress made a solemn promise to America's seniors to supply more affordable medical care, but now they’re limiting seniors’ access to doctors, making it harder for them to get the care they need. If we don't act soon, older Americans will have a harder time finding medical and surgical specialists, and have to travel farther to see them. More Medicare patients will be forced go to expensive emergency rooms - not a doctor’s office - for routine care. And doctors will not be able to purchase new medical equipment and information technology. Urge your Senators to make good on their promise to older adults by saying no to Medicare pay cuts.
Dear [Decision maker],

Please make good on your promise to America's elderly by stopping Medicare pay cuts.

With over 3.2 million baby boomers becoming eligible for Medicare in three short years, and a government-predicted shortage of 85,000 doctors by 2020, doctor payment cuts will create an access-to-care crisis for America's seniors.

If Congress doesn't act soon, doctors will be forced to defer the purchase of new medical equipment and information technology; seniors will have a harder time finding medical and surgical specialists and will have to travel greater distances to see a doctor; and more Medicare patients will be forced go to expensive emergency rooms for routine care that could have been treated in a doctor's office.

[Your comment here]

I strongly urge you to stop Medicare pay cuts.

[Your name]
[Your address]
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