Tell your governor to step up and be a climate leader

It's been one year since President Trump announced that he will abandon the Paris international climate agreement, which was adopted by nearly every nation in 2015 and aims to limit global climate change. From increased tidal flooding, to worsening droughts, to longer wildfire seasons, communities across the United States and around the globe are already experiencing the costly and harmful impacts of climate change. We need local, state, national, and international climate action to protect communities today and in the future.

As President Trump and his administration ignore the risks to Americans and people across the globe, we need leadership from cities and states on clean energy and climate action!

Hundreds of US states, cities, and companies have signaled their determination to take climate action, to protect our communities from the impacts of climate change, and to reap the economic benefits of the clean energy revolution. Tell your governor to be a climate leader!

Dear Governor:

I am disappointed that President Trump chose to abandon the Paris international climate agreement, which was adopted by nearly every nation in 2015 and aims to limit global climate change.

From increased tidal flooding, to worsening droughts, to longer wildfire seasons, communities across the United States and around the globe are already experiencing the costly and harmful impacts of climate change. We need local, state, national, and international climate action to protect communities today and in the future.

The overwhelming majority of Americans, including those who voted for President Trump, support climate action, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. I applaud the hundreds of US states, cities, and companies that have signaled their determination to take climate action, to protect our communities from the impacts of climate change, and to reap the economic benefits of the clean energy revolution.

We cannot sit on the sidelines of global action. I want to see our state be a leader in clean energy, a leader in reducing heat-trapping emissions, and a leader in creating jobs in a low-carbon economy!

We need to show the world that while President Trump abandoned the international climate agreement, individuals, cities, and states are not standing idly by. We will rise to the climate challenge!

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