Save Cats Affected by Houston Floods

Tropical Storm Imelda unleashed over 40 inches of water in Houston, Texas in just three days.

Whenever disaster strikes – cats are often the most overlooked victims. They are stranded or left behind, including vulnerable kittens separated from their mothers. That's why it's so important that Alley Cat Allies steps in to help.

We're committed to providing lifesaving care wherever we can, but we need you with us to do more for these vulnerable cats and kittens.

Alley Cat Allies is responding to the destruction on the ground and by working with local organizations. We are providing emergency funding, veterinary care, critical supplies, and so much more. Your signature will make it clear to Houston and communities around the country that you support these efforts to save lives.

Join us today so we give cats and kittens the help they need in areas affected by storms and other emergencies.

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