Petland: Go Humane By No Longer Selling Dogs, Cats and Rabbits

Our undercover investigations at Petland have repeatedly exposed rampant animal suffering. The national chain of pet stores (the last to still sell dogs) has been linked to the cruel puppy mill industry.
There are thousands of puppy mills — mass-breeding operations where mother dogs spend their entire lives in cramped cages — across the country being supported by pet stores like Petland. Due to poor sanitation and a lack of quality veterinary care, sick animals are sent home with unsuspecting consumers, breaking the hearts of families excited to welcome their new best friend.
Petland and some of its employees have been captured in video footage displaying little to no concern about the health and well-being of the dogs, cats and rabbits in their care. Our undercover investigators documented puppies with nasal discharge and seizures — one puppy even had "a hole in his throat," according to an employee. Rather than address these concerns, one employee was caught on camera stating, "Most of the dogs that go to the vet end up dying because we take them so last minute."
The animals who spend their last days in a Petland cage are not treated with respect or compassion; when they die, they are hidden away in freezers before being disposed. On a single day in January 2019 alone, 14 dead rabbits were discovered in a Petland freezer. We found dead puppies in two other Petland freezers.
Please sign the petition and demand that Petland changes their business model and stops empowering puppy and other animal mills.
Subject: Stop selling dogs, cats and rabbits
Dear Petland,
A puppy mill is no place for a dog. These inhumane high-volume dog breeding facilities churn out puppies for profit, ignoring the needs of the pups and their mothers. Dogs from puppy mills are often sick and unsocialized. If more stores refused to sell animals from puppy mills, it would cut down on the demand for puppy mill puppies, thereby sparing dogs from miserable lives in cramped cages.
Our undercover investigations have unveiled terrible suffering in Petland stores. Petland shows a lack of compassion for the dogs, cats and rabbits in your care, with one employee even going so far as to state, "We just let them die."
It's time to go humane! It is possible to thrive as a business without selling dogs, cats and rabbits by relying on consumer dollars spent on products and services, rather than animal suffering.
Thank you.
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