Help us bring animals into Veteran recovery programs

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 19.7 million American adults (aged 12 and older) battled a substance use disorder in 2017. Many of these individuals also struggle with mental health disorders and drug and alcohol abuse simultaneously.

Animals can be a source of comfort for many. We believe they can help people heal from the wounds of addiction, trauma, and abuse.

The VA healthcare system needs a program that includes the therapeutic benefits of having the love of a pet. The Integration of PAWsitive Recovery Program into Veterans Affairs (VA) Healthcare System supports veterans in their recovery journey, addressing issues such as PTSD, substance abuse, and mental health challenges through the therapeutic benefits of animal companionship.

Our PAWsitive Recovery Program gives people in recovery and animals in shelters a new "leash" on life. Providing resources such as animal focused workshops and animal assisted therapy in treatment centers and shelters has the potential to change lives.

Veterans deserve the opportunity to heal, and we know animals can provide the love and companionship they need. Help us make the VA healthcare system better by including programs with animals. Sign to show your support for our PAWsitive Recovery Program.
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petitie tekenen
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