Help Sea Otter Populations Recover

Southern Sea Otter populations have been dropping drastically for almost ten years. High mortality rates and low birth rates have scientists worried about the species itself and the repercussions this population drop will have on the food chain.

Sea Otters face immense challenges with food scarcity, disease and contamination in their waters. These and other factors need to be researched and addressed immediately in order for the populations to safely recover.

The Southern Sea Otter Recovery and Research Act would provide funding to help these processes get underway. Only research and intensive programs can help sea otters recover from the population drops they have suffered for almost ten years.

Please write to your Senators today and ask them to support The Southern Sea Otter Recovery and Research Act!
Dear Senator,

I am writing in support of S. 1748: The Southern Sea Otter Recovery and Research Act. I care about the health of our oceans and the health of sea otters who bring so much balance to our ocean systems.

This act would allow for proper research relating to population declines of sea otter populations in the last ten years or so. This critical process is the only way we can be able to implement a program for the safe recovery of these joyous creatures.

I urge you to support S. 1748: The Southern Sea Otter Recovery and Research Act, for the sake our our oceans and wildlife.

Thank you for your time.
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