End Child Slavery Now

Every child deserves to grow up in a safe environment. Sadly, 115 million children work in dirty, dangerous and degrading jobs, including 1.2 million children who are trafficked worldwide.

In June, the Canadian government announced the creation of a National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking. This plan is a strong first step. Now we want to encourage the government to implement it and turn their attention to whether Canadians are contributing to child slavery.

Canadians need to send a strong message of encouragement to Prime Minister Harper to implement this plan. Add your voice and end child slavery now!
I am pleased that the National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking will fight trafficking overseas.

Moving forward, I encourage the government to look at how our trade, consumer choices and supply chains contribute to child slavery.

[Your comments here.]

I want to make sure that our country continues to stand strong against child slavery and trafficking. All children deserve to grow up safely, and I am proud that the Canadian government has already demonstrated global leadership in combating this terrible tragedy.

[Your name here.]
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