Tell Congress to Step Up for Bison and All Wildlife

Congress can play a key role ensuring that the changes currently being enacted within the federal government and agencies help wildlife like bison – and don't have unintended consequences that result in harm to our nation's wildlife and our natural world.

That crucial and efficient functions remain in place or are reinstated to safeguard our air, lands, waters, and wildlife. That the efforts to save dwindling, at-risk species are maintained and fortified for the future. And that sound science, executed by professionals, is used to assure a healthy future for both wildlife and people.

Please ask your representatives in Congress to make sure issues facing wildlife and our communities are addressed, and not forgotten or intensified.
Subject: Make sure issues facing wildlife and communities are addressed and not forgotten or intensified

Dear Member of Congress,

I am aware of the sweeping decisions being made and actions taken by the president —and that they could have a tremendous impact on the future for wildlife in this country.

I am asking you to do all you can to ensure that the changes currently being enacted within our government and agencies help wildlife and don't have unintended consequences that result in harm to our nation's wildlife or our natural world. That crucial and efficient functions remain in place or are reinstated to safeguard our air, lands, waters and wildlife. That the efforts to save dwindling, at-risk species are maintained and fortified for the future. And that sound science, executed by professionals, is used to assure a healthy future for both wildlife and people.

It is up to members of Congress like you to make sure issues facing wildlife and communities are addressed and not forgotten or intensified, including:

● Confronting pollution from "forever chemicals", mercury, and other toxic chemicals in our air and water by keeping current safeguards in place and prioritizing urgently-needed stronger measures.
● Holding strong on statutes that give communities a say in federal projects such as pipelines, highways, and other large-scale projects, and upholding crucial scientific review of potential impacts on wildlife, water, and habitats.
● Prioritizing and sustaining the federal government's long-standing and essential investments in voluntary conservation programs and partnerships with farmers, ranchers, foresters, and private landowners.
● Upholding science-driven wildlife recovery and management, habitat restoration that supports community resilience, and appropriately-sited low-emission energy, along with common-sense carbon and methane management, so that our lands and waters flourish.
● Maintaining and not allowing any compromise to safeguards for our public lands, including national parks, forests, national monuments, wildlife refuges, and lands that contain sacred Indigenous sites. These lands must remain in public hands, and not sold off for development or subject to diminished protections.

Thank you in advance for being a champion for wildlife in our state and across the country.

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