Demand the Government Stops a Ship Laden with Nuclear Waste from Entering Australian Waters

  • van: Georgina B.
  • ontvanger: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Environmental groups are alarmed about the safety of the ship BBC Shanghai, entering Australian waters, as it is laden with nuclear waste, according to a report in The Guardian.

Green groups have noted that the ship has even been blacklisted by the USA due to its record.

Why should Australia take such a massive risk - as it's alleged the BBC Shanghai is not outfitted to safely carry nuclear waste. Any kind of accident would mean an environmental disaster involving nuclear waste. Oceans, sea life, humans and livelihoods would all be seriously at risk from the fall-out.

Greenpeace along with other environmental campaigners have called for the shipment, which was sent by French nuclear company Areva, to be halted.

However, the vessel was sent on its way after it was inspected and is set to arrive in Australia on 27 November.

Will you join me in demanding the Australian government stops this ill-equipped ship from entering Australian waters! The risk is too high!

Please sign and share the petition.

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