Tell FOX News: Stop the Smear Campaign Against Healthcare

  • van: SEIU
  • ontvanger: FOX News and CNN
Recently, former hospital CEO Rick Scott bought ads for his group "Conservatives for Patients' Rights" on CNN and FOX News networks. Scott's ad contains blatantly false statements and misleading excerpts of interviews with healthcare professionals.

Rick Scott threatens viewers by saying, "not only could a government board deny your choice in doctors, but it can control life and death for some patients." But the fact is, the stimulus bill states that the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research "will not recommend clinical guidelines for payment, coverage or treatment."

Furthermore, the advertisement continues to deceive viewers by blatantly misrepresenting the positions of two physicians. Both physicians are in fact supporters of universal healthcare!

Call on FOX news and CNN to adhere to their own 'truth-in-advertising' policies and pull these ads immediately.
Dear FOX News and CNN,

Your news network is airing an advertisement sponsored by Conservatives for Patients' Rights that is demonstrably false and maliciously misleads viewers with its statements and edited video content.

These errors and falsehoods make this ad unfit to air. I urge you to adhere to SEIU's cease and desist letter and immediately halt the airing of this ad.

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