She Committed Animal Cruelty Against 47 Animals - After Already Being Convicted of Cruelty Against 99 Before

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: New Jersey authorities
How did a woman in New Jersey accumulate 47 animals - which she then neglected horrendously - after she had already been found guilty of abuse against 99 animals in Pennsylvania?

That's the question her neighbors are asking themselves after officials rescued 15 dogs, 5 puppies, and 13 of her 27 cats from the woman's residence in Cape May. Even worse, this woman was also terribly neglecting her own mother.

Sign the petition to ban her from ever owning or living with animals in the future!

Authorities had received around 30 calls for service to investigate this address for around a year before they finally entered the property. When they arrived, at first they couldn't even open the door because of trash and hoarded items that were blocking the entryway.

Once officials finally made it inside, they found the home filled with flies, other insects, animal feces and urine, "miscellaneous debris stacked to the ceiling", trash, and dog crates that were stacked on top of each other.

The woman herself apparently avoided sleeping in the home, but she left her bedridden elderly mother trapped there. Inspectors discovered that the older woman was often left alone, unattended, for upwards of 24 hours - including being deprived of medications and food. The room where she lived was filled with around eight dog crates, in which dogs were living in their own waste. Her bed was "covered with trash and insects," and even if she had wanted to leave, it would have been impossible because her bed was so thoroughly surrounded by trash and debris.

Years ago, when this woman lived in Pennsylvania, authorities discovered that she had hoarded 99 animals. When they came to rescue the 67 cats, 30 dogs, 1 turtle, and 1 deer, officials realized six of the animals were so unwell, they required euthanasia. She was banned from animal ownership for only two years.

Clearly, the two-year ban on animal ownership was not sufficient to keep animals safe from this woman. Authorities must implement a permanent, lifetime ban on her living with, owning, or working with animals ever again! Sign the petition!
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