This Nebraska Man Let His Seven Dogs Slowly Deteriorate in His House of Horrors. Sign For Justice.

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Valley, Nebraska Authorities
When authorities in Valley, Nebraska finally saw the dogs they had come to check on, they realized why the owner wouldn't let them inside at first. Seven dogs were found living in utter, cruel neglect.

Sign the petition to demand a lifetime ban on animal ownership for the individual responsible for this cruelty!

The poor pups were surrounded by filth, feces scattered throughout the house. The only presence of dog food in the home was haphazardly thrown around on the floor where urine and feces also rotted, providing no real nourishment or comfort for the animals. The absence of kennels meant the dogs had no safe space to rest, and they were left to roam freely, adding to the unsanitary and unsafe conditions.

This neglect is more than just a violation of animal welfare laws -- it reflects a severe disregard for the well-being of these innocent animals. The man responsible for this abuse is facing felony charges, but we need to ensure he is never allowed to own or care for animals again.

Sign the petition to urge authorities to impose a lifetime ban on animal ownership for this individual and to ensure he faces the full consequences of his actions!

The conditions the dogs were found in were described as some of the worst seen by the rescuers. This case serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for stricter measures to protect animals from such cruelty.

Join us in demanding that the responsible party is held accountable and banned from any future animal ownership. Your support is crucial in ensuring justice for these neglected dogs and preventing future abuse.

Sign the petition today to help secure a safer future for animals in Valley, Nebraska!
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