Ask world leaders to act on nature loss and climate change

WWF has a vision for what a livable future looks like and how we can get there. It will take a systemic transformation, shifting from fossil fuels to renewables, pursuing nature-based solutions while upholding human rights and partnering with Indigenous communities, and holding states and corporations accountable.

We call on leaders to translate their commitments during key moments like the UN General Assembly, Climate Week, and UNFCCC COP29 into real action so we can realize tangible progress that goes beyond our collective climate ambition.

Dear Global Leaders,

A livable future will take a systemic transformation–shifting from fossil fuels to renewables, pursuing nature-based solutions while upholding human rights and partnering with Indigenous communities, and holding states and corporations accountable. This fall, leaders must commit to:

Scaling up renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy access in a way that phases out fossil fuels while minimizing harm to nature and communities.

Encouraging subnational entities–including cities, states, companies, and institutions–to promote, adopt and meet science based net zero targets and reinvent the ways we create, consume, transport and dispose of material in our economy.

Meeting climate finance commitments that spur innovation and action in developing countries that respond to and build resilience to growing climate impacts.

We cannot wait for a future invention or a new generation of leaders to be the solution to the multitude of climate threats people and nature face. The work needs to begin now to ensure a livable future for our people and our planet.

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