Ask Netflix to stream the documentaries of Frederick Wiseman

Frederick Wiseman is one of the great American documentary filmmakers of our age. In close to 40 films, he has taken his camera into such social institutions as insane asylums, high schools, army basic training, juvenile court, welfare offices, and public housing, as well as ballet companies, theaters and cabarets. In 1982 he was a recipient of a MacArthur grant, and in 2010 the Museum of Modern Art conducted a year-long retrospective of his work.

In January 2012, Wiseman told the New York Times, “My movies are not available on Netflix because Netflix never answered our letters to them. We must have written seven or eight times, and they never responded.”

Sign this petition to ask Ted Sarandos of Netflix to pick up the phone and call Wiseman's film company, Zipporah Films, at 
617-576-3603, and expedite a deal to distribute Wiseman's work to a wider audience.

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