Help get pedophilles offline SHUT DOWN BOYCHAT.ORG

I was recently this past year FALSELY accused of being a pedophile, it died down, but than the vile woman that did so started up again, because i called her out for fionding a real pedophile in the youtube community and she never told anyone, instead she turned around and tried promoting me as a pedophile...AGAIN.

This has made me want to get as many people involved, to get these sick men and women who destroy the innocence of our children.
Nambla(north american Man/boy Love association) is thankfully gone. Please help me in getting rid of this forum(mentioned below). Let's work together top protect our children

it is an organization that is full of pedophiles. Freedom of speech is one thing, but this involves hurting innocent children

everyone get your congressman to do something to not allow stuff like this online, please....We need to save the chil;dren

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