• van: Baylee Hixon
  • ontvanger: Anyone and everyone especially dog lovers

The issue is that people in Yulin are holding the Yulin festival which included the slaughtering and consumption of dog flesh, the is not only disgusting and wrong but people all over the world would take these dogs with open arms, most of these people steal dogs from people's homes and kill them to eat. These dogs before death are kept in very small cages with about 4 or more squeezed inside. They are killed publically so all others in the community can watch, this is very cruel and should be banned because just as people do not eat horses you should not eat dogs because they are domestic, during the festival which lasts usually 10 days, 10,000 or more dogs are killed. Please help save the dogs before it's too late.

Update #29 jaar geleden
HUGE ACHIEVEMENT!!! We've reached our short term goal! Now that I know people support this, I will do more to help stop this completely!
Update #19 jaar geleden
We have 41 signatures!! Good job dog lovers, together we can stop this inhumanity.
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