STOP the Posting of PETS in the "FREE SECTION" of Craig's List immediately!

  • van: Nina Ground
  • ontvanger: Craig's List Owner's and Operations Globally

Craig's List is the number one spot that animal predators go to for their victims. These animals suffer cruel and sick use and abuse. It is outrageous that Craig's List allow this venue to promote such atrocities to a beating hear.

It is extemely dangerous to our society in general. It facilitates the development of hardened sick criminals. Every serial killer to date has a past history of extreme animal abuse. It empowers the sick mind to seek the victims they can dominate. This puts every man, woman and child as well as companion animals in extreme danger on a daily basis. 

Craig's List can automate a process to prevent a post from being live when it includes an animal. The technology exists and yet they have done worse and made it near impossible for anyone to flag these posts. A stong message to Craig's List to stop allowing a life to be put in such a dangerous situation statrs with me and you. 

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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