Save the cub of Tierpark Dählhölzli Zoo!

They are killing a perfectly healthy bear cub to prevent its father killing it himself. They have many other options such as finding it a new zoo or giving it a separate enclosure. Killing such youth is horrible as they could have a separate enclosure for bear cubs all together to prevent any other cubs being killed or harmed. 

Help me tell the world and especially this zoo how much of a mistake they are making. Avoid this zoo. Don't support it in anyway. Let them know we are not in agreement with their decision. If they go forward with this they will think it's ok to do it to any other animals with a threat. If someone had a baby which couldn't be housed by their parents, would they kill the baby. No they wouldn't, so why do it to this bear cub. Join together with me to save this cub!

They can be contacted by email or phone, tell them how upset and angry you are by their decision. Help me act on the side of this small helpless bear cub!

So many people are signing this petition and i am so glad to see that I'm not the only one who cares. No one is commenting mean things and everyone has a very positive attitude towards these. I am really grateful.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate this help :)

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