Put an end to Marshalls ferret and beagle breeding

  • van: Tracy W.
  • ontvanger: NY Attorney general

Marshalls breeds ferrets and beagles to use for scientific testing. These animals deserve much better than this. The ferrets that are not healthy enough to be used for this purpose gets sent to the pet stores, such as Petco, to be sold to the general public with no information as to how to take care of them and just anyone can get one. Many of which get fed wrong or get abused and neglected and even killed. They even suggest you feed them the Marshall brand food which is the worst food ever to feed them. They want the ones you buy to die so you will buy more. I would like to see Marshalls be banned from breeding and selling animals. Ferrets do not belong in pet stores where just anyone can get one. They are products of inbreeding and mass production. In other words, Marshalls runs a puppy mill for ferrets and beagles and they need to be stopped. Their ferrets end up having short life spans because of the diseases they are more prone to get than private bred ferrets are. Let's try to put a STOP to Marshalls from breeding and selling animals!

Update #56 jaar geleden
Thanks to everyone who has signed this. It looks as if I am not going to get as many signatures as I would like but at least this issue has been put out there for others to see and hopefully make other people aware of what is going on.
Update #46 jaar geleden
Link to a video outd one of my ferrets that I lost due to insulinoma, one of the diseases that Marshalls ferrets are highly prone to getting.

Update #36 jaar geleden
Ingredients list for Marshall ferret food:
Chicken by-products, (organs only, including chicken liver) herring meal, corn, cod fish, dried beet pulp, brewers dried yeast, cane molasses
Just the first 7 ingredients. Corn & molasses- deadly for ferrets. Think they care about animals? When you buy a ferret from the pet store they will tell you if you feed this, you will have a warranty to get another ferret if this one dies. They know it will kill them.They want to move as many ferrets as they can.
Update #26 jaar geleden
Marshalls research company that does the breeding for testing.

Update #16 jaar geleden
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