#JusticeforCross dog murdered by military forces in Venezuela

  • van: Isabella D
  • ontvanger: Ministerio Público de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Interiores y Justicia

Murders aren't stopping in Venezuela. This time Cross, a dog of a humble Venezuelan family died after being shot at point-blank in one eye by an official of the Venezuelan military forces raided his home without authorization.

This frightening crime mercilessly committed has no justification whatsoever. The injury was so severe that Cross had to be sacrificed. We repudiate this abuse of the military forces against a defenseless being. Cross's life can not be recovered but we must demand justice in his name.

At the moment the official who shot him has not received any type of sanction. They entered without any authorization to the house of Jasmin the owner of Cross, and accused her of terrorist and they shot her pet.

We grieve deeply these terrible crimes against animal life. Now we only have to demand that Cross's crime will not go unpunished.

We are living very difficult times in Venezuela. Crimes like these can not be tolerated. Sign and share this request and together lets demand justice for Cross.

Update #17 jaar geleden
Dear Signers!
First of all I would like to thank EVERY ONE OF YOU, for taking your time to sign this petition.
We have GOOD NEWS!
The state prosecutor has taken the case, and the investigation is in process. This is a first step to victory, because in Venezuela animal rights violation cases, are always ignored by the authorities. So, lets keep spreading the word! WE CAN DO THIS!
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