Vulnerable Koala Homes Are Under Attack From Greedy Logging Operations in Australia!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: New South Wales Minister for Environment Penny Sharpe

For years, researchers have been saying that the adorable marsupial could go extinct within our lifetime. Now, the beloved species – native only to Australia – is on the brink.

The Australian government is well aware of the risk of losing koalas forever: the species has been officially declared endangered under federal laws. Clearly, the Minister for Environment should be doing everything in its power to help koala populations rebound. Instead, the government is planning to destroy even more of the beloved marsupial's already-shrinking habitat. 

Sign now to demand New South Wales Minister for Environment Penny Sharpe end logging in native forests and known koala habitat!

In the past few years, catastrophic bushfires have wreaked havoc on koala habitat. Estimates suggest over 1,000 koalas burned to death in the fires, and experts say that 80% of their habitat was destroyed by the fires. Climate change is only going to make these fires worse, so it is more important than ever that all remaining native forests and koala habitat are preserved!

Under the new plan, approximately 40,000 hectares – over 100,000 acres -- of nationally vital koala habitat have been marked for potential logging in New South Wales. Apparently profit from logging is more important than living, breathing creatures.

We cannot let this catastrophic logging plan happen. We must stand up for koalas and tell New South Wales Minister for Environment Penny Sharpe to do the same! Sign the petition now if you agree!

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