BC & Environment Canada - Prevent the Extinction of the Ospreys Due to Chemicals and Poisoning

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: Government of British Columbia, Environment of Canada & Bird Life International

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to encourage the Government of British Columbia to protect the Osprey, also known as the Sea Hawk, from chemical contamination and exposure to mercury. Let’s encourage proper authorities to save this threatened species!

Throughout Canada and the Pacific Norwest, these birds face contamination from DDT, ordichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, and PCB, or pulp mill dioxins.  These chemicals and pesticides are placing animals in danger as they ingest all of the contaminants in every creature below them. As one chemical is banned, another takes its place in the environment.

Just a few decades ago, DDT almost wiped out all Ospreys from existence. Though their numbers have improved, new threats are again putting them in danger of extinction. Chemicals from manufacturing, pesticides, mining operations, and everyday household items like furniture, plastics, cleaners, and pharmaceuticals pollute the natural world.  In higher doses, some have impaired the ability of birds to reproduce. Some may alter their ability to migrate. Studies of other wildlife have found that these chemicals can interfere with everything from the hatching of eggs to liver development in embryos.  Osprey and eagle populations along with other birds of prey have plummeted nationwide!

In order to protect these birds from the many threats they face, the government of British Columbia must commit to continued funding to determine the best way to protect these birds, restrictions on the use of pesticides and toxic chemicals which can affect animals further up the food chain, and water cleanup efforts to reduce levels of heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and other poisons.

Please sign and share this petition to encourage the Government of British Columbia and Wildlife Conservationists to take necessary steps in to protect the osprey!

Government of British Columbia, Environment of Canada & Bird Life International – You need to work together in an effort to protect the environment, stop the number one source of new mercury into the global ecosystem that is burning coal to generate electricity and take extreme measures that will protect all birds of prey from extinction such as the Osprey. Implement further research and studies that would put programs in place that will clean up our airs and waters that contaminates our wildlife, all humans and in this case, the Osprey.  

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