Close the Dolphin Resort Hotel in Bali

  • van: Nyack Clancy
  • ontvanger: Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan

The Hotel Melka Excelsior in Bali, Indonesia, advertises itself as "a unique dolphin and animal wildlife hotel resort"- where there reportedly 5 captive dolphins, one of which is blind- all of which are internationally protected.

"Try the exiting experience to swimming with our dolphins and/or watch the daily dolphin show. The hotel also has a very well kept zoo with a nice variety of wild animals - such as deer's, exotic birds, snakes, reptiles and even more."


Bottlenose and stenella dolphins have been protected since 1999 under an Indonesian government regulation, and captive dolphins are classified as a protected species by Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.

This week, Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan declared that he was shutting down a dolphin attraction at a restaurant  He ordered his staff to confiscate the dolphins and to immediately move them to the Dolphin Rehabilitation Center in Kemujan, Karimun Jawa. Ask him to do the same for the dolphins captive Melka Hotel in Bali and stop them from being exploited for entertainment.

The Hotel Melka Excelsior in Bali, Indonesia, advertises itself as "a unique dolphin and animal wildlife hotel resort"- where there reportedly 5 captive dolphins, one of which is blind- all of which are internationally protected.

"Try the exiting experience to swimming with our dolphins and/or watch the daily dolphin show. The hotel also has a very well kept zoo with a nice variety of wild animals - such as deer's, exotic birds, snakes, reptiles and even more."


Bottlenose and stenella dolphins have been protected since 1999 under an Indonesian government regulation, and captive dolphins are classified as a protected species by Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.

This week, Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan declared that he was shutting down a dolphin attraction at a restaurant  He ordered his staff to confiscate the dolphins and to immediately move them to the Dolphin Rehabilitation Center in Kemujan, Karimun Jawa. Ask him to do the same for the dolphins captive Melka Hotel in Bali and stop them from being exploited for entertainment.

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