horses routinely slaughtered while still conscious

140,000 horses were shipped from the U.S. to Canada for slaughter last year, as a rescuer at auctions they arrive with broken legs massive painful wounds and die in shipment from the stress from colic (extremely painful twist of the bowel). Even though New Zealand has declared them sentient beings, only Canada and Mexico can slaughter auction the meat man buys them and they are put in kill pens until shipped ( the nice word for slaughtered).A 16 x 9 program has undercover video that shows their stress and fear and then being slaughtered conscious. Barbaric practice for Canada and anyone else involved.Week after week, we watch thousands of horses going for slaughter including Canadas national heritage horse which is endangered ( the Canadien) . A recent video has also surfaced showing horses crowded into cases to be shipped to Japan...all the while on these horrible journeys, there is no food or water and they dehydrate and arrive emaciated. The 5 colts shown here were due to be shipped the next day when someone saw them in the kill pen..we were able to acquire and rescue them within 2 hours.    Realisticly slaughter will not end but what has to change immediately is the way they are shipped, handled , transported and eventually auctioned , killed and processed.

Update #59 jaar geleden If you are against horse slaughter, please join this group, we are trying to get all the small groups to form one very large number in solidarity. as more and more horrific undercover slaughter videos are surfacing, we will soon call on the Trudeau government to act on this knowledge. Please ask your friends to sign too.
Update #49 jaar geleden
Now there are 4 Canadien colts from our rescue, they are in grave danger as a special dangerous worming protocol must be followed to save them . please follow and like C&M Horse Haven on facebook . We may lose them all , we must wait this out ,our endangered national heritage horse.
Update #39 jaar geleden
last night we lost one of the young Canadiens that were rescued. This breed is our National Heritage Horse and is endangered. We are hoping the other 4 pull through. But they were all malnourished from birth in slaughter yards.
Update #29 jaar geleden
, one has fallen very ill with an aggressive worm that cant be killed by normal worming. and the other 4 must be started on a custom worming regime to save them from this. if anyone can donate to cover these costs, we may be able to save them all. Thank you, please.send an e-transfer to
Update #19 jaar geleden
they tried to pass a bill in 2014 to reform the slaughter industry . It failed because the conservatives and Stephen Harper defeated it. they did not care that there are no papers on these hundreds of thousands of horses that are sent to many countries for human consumption, especially Japan..the reason that it is toxic and deadly to humans is that any medications and drugs that the horse has been given during his lifetime will make a deadly coctail for humans to consume. Karma???
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