Stricter Punishments for Felony Animal Abuse Cases: The Dozer and Luna Act

Over at least 2 years,, Shannon Dolan of Alta Sierra, CA abused her two dogs horribly by shooting them with pellet and BB guns. These vicious attacks resulted in multiple broken bones and more than 60 pellets and BBs found within her two dogs bodies once x-rays were done by a local veterinarian. Her dogs Dozer (a Boxer) and Luna (a Pit Bull) survived the attacks and were rehabilitated and later found good homes with new owners.

After pleading no contest, she was sentenced to one felony count of Animal Abuse and sadly, Shannon Dolan escaped with just 2 years probation, a 10 year exclusion of pet ownership, 6 hours of individual therapy and 20 days in jail that she could serve on a work release basis. She is also responsible for paying the costs of the dog's medical treatment.

Her horrific crimes did not result in ANY significant jail time served, no requirements to limit gun ownership and no mental health evaluation. THIS PETITION IS BEING CREATED TO REQUIRE HARSHER SENTENCES FOR FELONY CONVICTIONS FOR ANIMAL ABUSE. Specifically, we are asking the State of California to adopt new standards for sentencing in these cases that include the following:

1) A minimum of 6 months in jail for ALL felony animal abuse convictions without the options of serving probation or work release as a substitute for jail time. Limits are also imposed on any plea bargain that would make the crime a misdemeanor vs. a felony.

2) A full mental health assessment along with all recommended measures that come out of that review to be required for the convicted criminal

3) A requirement that animal ownership and living with an animal in the household be BANNED for life

4) A requirement that restitution be made with respect to ALL COSTS associated with the medical care and transfer of ownership of the animals in the convicts possession OR a minimum fine of $5,000 whichever is less.

5) A requirement that gun ownership of ANY kind be suspended for a minimum of 10 years

In the case of a second felony animal abuse conviction, we require the following:

1) A minimum of 5 years in jail without the possibility of parole for early release and without the option of any work release programs. Limits are also imposed on any plea bargain that would make the crime a misdemeanor vs. a felony.

2) A full mental health assessment along with all recommended measures that come out of that review to be required for the convicted criminal

3) A requirement that animal ownership and living with an animal in the household be BANNED for life

4) A requirement that restitution be made with respect to ALL COSTS associated with the medical care and transfer of ownership of the animals in the convicts possession OR a minimum fine of $10,000 whichever is less.

5) A requirement that gun ownership of ANY kind be suspended for life

Please sign our petition to the California State Officials needed to enact these new measures. This new legislation will be called the "Dozer and Luna Act" to remember the victims who suffered in Shannon Doyle's home.  

The local newspaper article which covered this case is included here:

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