Demand justice for Hoss & Gina

A service dog named Hoss was shot because he loved his family and was deeply loved in Jackson County Al. By Officer Troy Stevenson. My kids aunt was at home minding her own business. A neighbor who decided to go to his exs and fight with her new boyfriend. They fought he left they called the police. The police came to the kids aunts house not the person they were looking fors house. They knocked on the door she opened it Hoss came out the door with Gina (The Aunt) barking. The cop walked of the porch hoss was barking just like the chihuahua was. He followed him down the steps. Gina got him by the collar and the cop shot him while she was holding him. Endangering her life and now her service dog is dead and really lucky she is alive. Elp us bring him to justice for killing a family member.

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