Demand an end to the use of palm oil!

Did you know some of your favorite food brands like Kellogg's or Nutella use unsustainable palm oil in their products?

According to the World Wildlife Fund:


Palm oil: what’s the problem?

Palm oil is the most widely used vegetable oil on Earth, and demand continues to grow rapidly. It’s a major part of the economy in the tropical areas where it’s grown, helping to lift people out of poverty.
But it has a serious downside. The major drawback of palm oil is that it naturally grows in low lying, wet, tropical areas – exactly where rainforests grow. Clearing land for palm oil plantations has led to widespread loss of rainforests in Indonesia, Malaysia and beyond.
This has destroyed habitat for endangered species like rhinos, elephants, tigers and orang-utans, and robbed indigenous people of their land and livelihoods.
The global effects are even more worrying. Destruction of forests causes climate change, as felled and burned trees and vegetation release climate-warming greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Palm oil can be grown sustainably. It is possible for the industry to grow and prosper without sacrificing any more tropical forests."
Tell food companies to stop using palm oil or at least use a sustainable one for the good of the environnement!

Here is a list of some of the products that use palm oil that you might well know:

-          Orville Redenbacher’s Microwave Movie Theatre Butter Popcorn

-          Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies

-          Hot Pockets Pepperoni Pizza

-          Nutella Hazelnut Spread

-          Balance Bars (flavors including Caramel Nut Blast and Chocolate Peanut Butter)

-          Hershey’s Mr. Goodbar

-          Kellogg’s Eggo waffles

-          Oreo Cookies

-          Starburst

-          Twix Cookie Bars

-          Carr’s Table Water Crackers

-          Kraft Cool Whip

-          Milano cookies

-          Breyer’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream

-          Pam Cooking Spray for Baking

-          Hunt’s Chocolate Pudding Snack pack

-          Frosted Strawberry Pop-Tarts

-          Milky Way

-          Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats

-          Boboli Original Pizza Crust

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