DEMAND AIR FRANCE STOP Shipping Live Monkeys to Labs

  • van: Jana DiCarlo
  • ontvanger: CEO & Chairman of Air France-KLM Group Jean-Cyril Spinetta

Air France, the last major European airline to ship non-human primates, transports tens of thousands of primates a year for cruel and invasive animal experimentation. Air France passenger and Air France-KLM cargo planes transport monkeys, often stolen from wild habitats in Vietnam and the Republic of Mauritius. Although others stopped,  Air France, Philippine Airlines and China Southern continue to transport them.

Discreetly loaded into the cargo hold of planes, the monkeys are jammed in tiny wooden crates measuring 4ft x 1.4ft x 1.6ft, travel for 30 hours or more underneath unsuspecting Air France passengers. Many terrified monkeys die during the grueling international flights, suffering from stress, trauma, dehydration, heat, cold, intestinal hemorrhaging.

The monkeys are in high demand by the American and European research industries, more than 10,000 macaques priced at $4,000 each are exported from Mauritius each year. Air France is the main commercial airline responsible for the transport.

Hired by trapping and breeding companies in Mauritius such as Noveprim, Ltd. and Bioculture Mauritius, Ltd., trappers kidnap and split monkeys from their families by luring them into cages baited with sugar cane and bananas.

Air France Board of Directors member, Jean-Francois Dehecq, is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sanofi-Aventis, a French pharmaceutical company. Starting to smell bad?

DEMAND AIR FRANCE STOP THIS ABOMINABLE TRADE!! Vow not to use their Airline until they DO!

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