Put a stop to thousands of horses being run over, beaten and neglected on Dublin housing estates!

  • van: Christine Hainsworth
  • ontvanger: Mr. Simon Coveney, Minister for Agriculture, Marine and Food, Irish Government.

Last week, a horse was repeatedly beaten and run over with a quad bike on a council estate in Dublin, and the police say they were unable to intervene because they were beaten back by a stone-throwing mob. 

This horrific incident is nothing unusual according to the Dublin Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals. Uncontrolled over-breeding has led to an estimated 3,000 horses needing care in Dublin alone. Although there is mandatory micro chipping and premises registration in place, little is done in terms of enforcement.

We need to petition the Irish Government to ensure that not only is existing legislation enforced, but also that anyone involved in animal cruelty experiences severe punishment in law. The DSPCA is also calling for compulsory castration, birth control for mares, and euthanasia, to try and resolve this massive welfare issue.

Dear Mr. Coveney,

I am outraged by the frequent stories of horrific treatment of horses in Dublin. I call on you to act urgently to end the suffering of unwanted horses and ponies across Ireland. 

Those individuals found guilty of cruelty and neglect must be swiftly brought to justice, with punitive sentences, and the Dublin Society for the Protection of Animals fully supported in its efforts to control the equine population. 

Yours faithfully,

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petitie tekenen


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