An Oklahoma Fraternity Killed a Longhorn Cow To Taunt a Rival Team

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Oklahoma State University Administration and Stillwater Police Department

The gruesome discovery of a dead longhorn cow, desecrated and left on the lawn of a fraternity at Oklahoma State University, has sent shockwaves through the community, especially on the eve of a significant football game against the University of Texas Longhorns. This act of animal cruelty is not only disturbing but also a blatant disrespect for animal life.

Sign the petition to demand that Oklahoma State University and the Stillwater Police Department conduct a thorough investigation and ensure that those responsible for this heinous act are held accountable.

The longhorn, found with an expletive carved into its side and its stomach cut open, represents a shocking level of violence and disregard for animal welfare. This incident goes beyond rivalry or pranks; it is a serious crime that reflects a deeply concerning attitude towards animals.

This incident has rightly sickened and surprised the local community, students, and faculty. The fraternity has committed to cooperating with the investigation, but we must ensure that this commitment leads to real consequences for those involved.

Sign the petition to call for swift and decisive action from university and local authorities in response to this act of cruelty!

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