Ellen DeGeneres, Please Stop Promoting Keurig K-Cups!

Everybody loves Ellen DeGeneres. She's hilarious, inspiring, kind — and the woman can dance! What's not to love? Well, unfortunately, there's one thing: her apparent love for Keurig K-Cup Pods, the single-use coffee pods wreaking havoc on our environment.

Just this week, Ellen announced a new partnership with Walmart. In a list called "It's Fall Y'all: 15 Things I Love For The Leafy Season," Ellen names 15 items she loves for fall from Walmart. The list included a Keurig coffee maker and pumpkin spice K-cup pods to go with it.

To Ellen's credit, she probably is just unaware of how unfriendly these pods are to our environment. That's why we're letting her know just how bad they are with this petition.

K-Cups are made of plastic combined with a filter, coffee grounds and a plastic foil top. There is no easy way to separate these parts for recycling. As a result, most K-Cups end up in the landfill. That is unconscionable when you consider the fact that in one year, enough K-Cups are sold that if placed end-to-end, they would circle the planet 10.5 times!

It's especially absurd when you consider how unnecessary coffee pods are in the first place. With compostable and reusable coffee filters and the growing popularity of French presses, there's really no excuse for using a single-use coffee pod.

We still love you, Ellen, but we'd love you more if you ditched the K-Cups. Please stop promoting these environmental disasters! And better yet, take a moment on your show to educate your viewers about them, too!

Photo credit: Flickr
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